My 5 favourite Instagram publishers

You avidly look at Instagram and save or bookmark what interests you. So who are your top 5 Instagram favourites? By reviewing all my book marked content I have been able to identify my top 5 and I think they are all a reflection of me as a yoga practitioner and teacher.

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1. Accessible yoga

I find this account inspirational. As a teacher who delivers yoga to adults with learning disabilities I have used tips and pose adaptation shared by accessible yoga in my classes. Restorative, chair and supportive pose adaptation I've used in my general class. Highly recommended


2. Do you yoga

I use this mainly for my self practice. There are times as a teacher you need some inspiration or be shown a variation of a regular pose. Monthly challenges are great in showing the preparatory work that needs to be undertaken to safely complete more challenging poses eg. Handstand.

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3. Inflexible yogis

I haven't photographed my progress in poses. Although I know my flexibility has increased I have no evidence. I enjoy looking at the before and after pictures of the yogis because it does show the body will give over time and we should respect our bodies and not force postures.


4. little tree _yoga

I love seeing the photos of the poses that are posted of the children and teens doing yoga. I have used these as inspiration for my learning disabilities group. Seeing real people in the poses made it easier for me to visualise my group and their abilities! We did the partner poses and they loved it!

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5. teenyogafoundation

I first came across teen yoga at OM yoga show in London a few years ago. I was looking for more information about teaching yoga to adults with learning disabilities and having limited success. However I bought the book which helped me focus the yoga at the intellectual level for some of my group members. I've shared this book with several friends/ mum's who have given positive feedback for this book even if they aren't into yoga. This is really good at explaining the development of the teenagers brain and explaining why they behave and feel, like they do!

I have found my inspiration from a variety of sources and I'm sure if you look at your bookmarks on your instagram account you will be able to shortlist your favourites too.


5 favourite yoga games: voted for by my learning disabilities yoga class


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