How did you get into Yoga?

Is a question i'm often asked.

There is no great tale of soul searching or finding enlightenment. I was training for my 3rd Marathon and started to have problems in one of my hips and aches in my lower back after long runs.

A friend suggested that I try yoga to increase flexibility and strength. I joined her in my first yoga class not really knowing what to expect. My only previous knowledge of yoga was being in the Green fields at Glastonbury Music Festival!

As I entered my first class I remember being taken through a sun salutation and observing fellow class mates who knew exactly what they were doing, what was coming next and moving into postures I could only dream of with my runners tight hamstrings and limited flexibility. However I kept my sense of humour and made the second class. as my yoga journey continued I fell in love with yoga....... how it made me feel physically and emotionally.

But I wanted to know more. Attending class and following a sequence of postures wasn't enough. Like the constant inquisitive child I had so many questions, How?, Why?, What if?, what about? I borrowed books from the library but still I wanted to know more about what was going on in the body in each pose, yoga philosophy, benefits of breathe work and relaxation.

I concluded that maybe yoga teacher training would give me answers to these questions, not thinking that teaching yoga would be an actual outcome. After much research I found the excellent Master Rachel 'Flame' Young from Lifestyle Yoga A specialist in bio-mechanics and vinyasa flow. A Master teacher who was right on my wavelength and whose teaching style I connected with. After an intensive training programme i qualified as a RYT 200 with yoga alliance and my teaching journey began......

And the marathon?

lisa and carys marathon pic.jpg

A fabulous sub 4hr 45mins for Carys (L) and myself


Yoga teaching and finding your niche market


5 reasons why you should consider teaching yoga to adults with learning disabilities