Hair conditioner bars - any good?

Omg... After seeing the amount of plastic bottles in the shower this morning my conscious kicked in and I thought I have to do something about this! Surely this is another way rather than bottles of hair care products? What about hair conditioner bars? Any good?

Recycling is part of our daily lives and expected habits from the recycling bins at home to those at work. We are lucky to have a recycling team at work and our king of recycling updates us frequently on what has been added to our recycling list..... No excuses!

But back to the shower - bottles of shower gel, shampoo and conditioner, 3 people, 3 different types of products.

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I have curly hair and to hide the grey hairs get dyed 6 weekly or so. As a child my mother brushed my hair and I looked like a version of Krystal tips (anybody isn't a child of the 70's please use a search engine and you will understand!). Not a good image.

It wasn't until I started my nurse training in Birmingham, UK that I received my hair care education! I was taken under the wing if the west Indian and Caribbean nurses who advised me on using a wide toothed comb (minimise frizz) and introduced me to coconut oil to help with dryness and control frizz. I'm forever in their debt. So good conditioner for my hair is essential.

I've tried shampoo block whilst on holiday, with no problems, and will convert over to this product. Good lathering in my wet hands and hair felt clean. It's just a shame I don't have products details as I got it at my son's school Christmas fayre!

What about conditioner? Rich conditioner for dyed curly hair? A bit more of a challenge? Hmmm.........

While researching conditioner bars I discovered that glamour magazine had recently reviewed several products. Things were looking promising! Chatting to a long-standing recycling friend about shampoo and conditioner bars even she agreed products weren't available from well known supermarkets but could be purchased from some high street stores such as Lush or local shops selling locally sourced organic products. Her experience was that it was about trial and error in finding the best conditioner bar for your hair. The product was not as user friendly as the shampoo bars!

Hey I had to give it a go!

After researching and purchasing the most nourishing hair conditioner bar I was ready to go. I will agree with my friend that the product is not as 'satisfying' to use as liquid conditioning products. it does not feel as though you have applied enough product to the hair and i even added extra to the ends of my hair that tend to be drier. When combing my hair it felt tight and knotted and the wide toothed comb did not glide through my hair like it would with my regular conditioner. However following my usual drying hair routine i can say my hair feels no different. The curls are just as soft. Frizz is managed.


So if you are considering using hair conditioner bars ...... give it a go!

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