Why I love teaching yoga to adults with a learning disability

Why is teaching yoga to adults with learning disabilities so enjoyable? Imagine being with a group of people who are full of positivity, only see the good things in people, laugh, encorage each other and enjoy each others company. Seems like paradise and certainly lightens the heaviness in our hearts that the daily grind of life often brings.

Fun and laughter

You are working with a group of people who look on the happy side if Life. They have a great sense of humour and are spontaneous in their behaviour. They bring their own unique personality to class that brings fun and laughter to the class. We celebrate birthdays and always sing happy birthday (after relaxation!). The group always cheer and praise each other when poses are achieved. The support they give each other is heart warming.

Invent poses

The group members will do their best to try and attempt yoga postures you teach them. However they will make spontaneous shapes with their bodies. Sometimes these are actually yoga poses but they don't know it! I've been surprised by table top pose and hip flexibility with double pigeon or lotus pose. I always make a point of giving positive feedback and explaining to the group the pose the person has done. Then everyone usually tries that pose!

Include the groups ideas

This includes use of blocks, pom poms or even body shapes. Moves I may have planned are used in a random order as the group position blocks as they think is best. Block on head, great balance and spinal alignment, throw and catch pom poms great hand eye coordination even though the pom poms are used for toe work and flexibility! When playing yogi says somebody may introduce a move they have learnt in another exercise class, it doesn't matter we all do that move. They are given positive encouragement and thanks for their idea.

nick and griff boat pose.jpg

This takes me to the final point-

Impromptu change in lesson plan

Yes I routinely write my lesson plans thinking about what the group would like, their strengths, development and what game they may have asked for but...... Sometimes it just goes out the window and I go with the flow! If the weather is sunny we may go outside, if they are tired we may do an extended relaxation or yoga nidra. I love the spontaneity of the class. Yes I make sure everyone is safe and not at harm in the pose they are doing. However to the group achievement is not holding a perfect pose for minutes but actually moving the body into that shape.

Teaching yoga to adults with learning disabilities is FUN. I love this part of my yoga teaching. It is my weekly does of happiness and highly recommended to other yoga teachers


Teaching Yoga - 5 key areas for a successful yoga class for adults with learning disabilities


The really simple way to find a yoga teacher for adults with Learning Disabilities