World Yoga Festival

Teens and World yoga festival

2022 was the first time I had attended a yoga festival and coincided with the first time that TeenYoga had a teen tent at the World Yoga festival.

As a teen yoga teacher I had already volunteered my services to bring inclusive and accessible yoga to teenagers with learning disabilities and welcomed the unknown of teaching at a yoga festival.

It was a truly magical experience from the pre festival organisation and support throughout the whole weekend by Ellen Clinch the families area organisers (another teen yoga graduate).

So many firsts took place over the weekend meeting fellow yoga students that I had only seen online, meeting my yoga teachers Charlotta Martinus (Teenyoga) and Debbie Farrar (Feel Now Yoga) and finally speaking to Jyoti Manuel (Special Yoga) sharing our passion for making yoga accessible.

Another 1st! Sharing a Balance themed yoga class to teens and parents

What about the teens?

The Teen tent was a space the teens wanted to chill out and relax. Bringing in some yoga practice, balancing on the slack line, smoothie making, arts, crafts to provide opportunity for the teens to meet new people, connect and have fun together. Some had been to the festival since it had begun, others it was also the first time the had attended and others were helping their families who had stalls at the festival. Such an amazing group of young people who welcomed the chat with Swamiji on connection and happiness.

Connections with Swamiji

Maybe the full on yoga class plan prepared did get amended quickly in response to the teens views what they wanted in their space. This amazing group, felt confident to share their thoughts on what they would really like for next year. We are working on these ideas already planning on an even better teen area with the support of the festival organisers. 

7am stillness and Chai

Between teaching and spending time with the teenagers I was able to explore early morning Pranayama classes, attend Vedanta teachings, enjoy yin yoga with poetry and music and enjoy the evening with music laughter ending with an amazing sound bath nidra. 

Even the ants couldn't dampen my spirits. A few adventurous ants even hitched a lift home in my car. 

Think I will have to return the ants next year!

What a reason to go back for 2023 festival..... As if I needed one. 

Early bird tickets already available! Yes! 

See you all there in 2023 .


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