The best yoga pose?

What do you think is the best yoga pose? Do you have a favourite yoga pose? Good question? Am I following my ego or what benefits my body the most? My favourite yoga pose - is Uttanasana or simply known as forward fold. For what appears to be a simple pose it benefits my body in so many ways.

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The Sanskrit word for yoga pose is Asana and our aim when in a pose is to achieve a comfortable or effortless position. The lowly forward fold is one of my favourite yoga poses. It is so versatile and can be adapted in a variety of ways. Everyone can achieve forward fold and feel benefits from the pose.

What is forward fold.

Forward fold or Uttanasana is an inversion pose where the head is below the heart. This increases circulation and oxygenated blood to the head. As the brain receives an increased supply of oxygen and nutrients to help it work better. Hence increased hormone production and release within the brain improving mood and calmness. Gravity is used to assist the body from the hips to the head, when folding forward, to minimise the muscular effort to achieve the pose. Inversions aren't just handstands they also include down dog, shoulder stand and childs pose.

How do you do Uttanasana?

Inhale and raise arms above head

As you exhale take your torso forward

Engage your for muscles

Bending from the hips as the torso fold further form and hands touch the floor next to your feet.

Bring body weight towards front of feet

Use gravity to help the body stretch into the posture.

Bend knees if hamstrings are tight

As you can see from my picture above, after many years of running I have tight hamstrings. They are stretching and since this photo was taken my hamstrings have lengthened but it takes time for the body to 'give'.

What benefits does Uttanasana have on the body?

Improves posture



Calms the breathe

Relieves stress and anxiety

Relieves mild depression

Helps with insomnia and headaches

Stretches the hamstrings, calves and hips

Strengthen thighs

Aids digestion

By stretching and opening the hamstrings the body allows stretching of the spine and releases any tension in the lower back.

Breathing during Uttanasana During this pose we coordinate our body movements with our breath. As we inhale the arms are raised increasing the lung volume. We use our accessory muscles used in respiration. These are the rhomboids and pectoralis minor. When we then fold forward and exhale contraction occurs in the abdominal muscles and intercostal muscles ( muscles in between the ribs) What happens to muscle groups during Uttanasana?

Contraction of the abdominal muscles

Flexes the trunk forward and lifts the pelvis

Stretches the back muscles (erector spinae) which when reaching full stretch they tilt the pelvis forward by pulling on the back of the ilium (pelvic girdle).

This tilt pulls the ischial tuberosity upwards and stretches the hamstrings.

Contraction of quadriceps (thigh muscles) extending and straightening the knees, lifting the patella and the hamstrings relax. Allowing stretching to take place. If your hamstrings are tight then bending the knees will help

Stretches the gluteus maximus

What are the variations?

Seated in a chair


Holding opposite elbows

Bound arms behind your back

The hands can be moved slightly to achieve other postures including holding onto big toes (padangusthasana) and palms of hands under toes (padahastasana). These provide a more intense stretch in forward fold.

More frequently Uttanasana is used as a flow pose that you move through to advance into another pose.

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Could Uttanasana be the best yoga pose? in my opinion it is certainly one of the best. For very little movement Uttanasana provides a fabulous all over stretch for everyone and is definitely my go to pose after a 12 hour shift as a nurse when I need a good stretch.


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