The favourite yoga poses- as identified by my learning disabilities yoga classes

Over the last few weeks I have been asking my yoga classes 'what is your favourite yoga pose?' The results were amazing and I'll explain why.


Not everyone was able to provide me with an answer to the question and let me know their favourite pose. Some could not understand the question and that's ok because I know they enjoy yoga. During class they attempt all poses, laugh, smile and their eyes shine with joy.

For those who can tell me their opinion it was great to see so much diversity. Tree was the most favourite pose and I think everyone likes doing tree. The challenge of balance whether independently, with a partner or even as a circle of trees.

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In second place see-saw. This pose brings the most joy to members in the class. It's a pose requiring partner work, alternating contraction and relaxing of muscles, upper body strength and yes often the well known song is sung! Great for lung expansion and breathe work!

A tie for third place superman and relaxation. Superman brings fun, is energising and stretches and strengthens the chest, shoulders, arms, legs, and glutes whilst keeping the back flexible; improves your circulation; and energizes you. A great work out without the group even realising it. Relaxation is enjoyed by all, but it was good to see that to some members of the group this was their favourite and most important part of the class.

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A cluster of 1 votes for cat, airplane, warrior 2, forward fold, side plank and cobra. Some of these poses are included often in the class and others such as airplane and side plank very rarely. It just goes to show how much people remember, are able to recall names of poses that made an impression on them and that by introducing the group to a wide a variety of yoga poses they are continually developing new skills and still having fun with fresh challenges.

These are the favourite poses as voted for by my yoga classes for adults with learning disabilities. We welcomed some new members of the group this week. Welcome to everyone and we will repeat this opinion poll in Jan 2020. Maybe a few changes in the top 3 favourite poses?


Autism Hour Yoga


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