5 Benefits of online yoga classes for adults with learning disabilities

Online yoga classes are here to stay, for the immediate future at least. Online may not be the path that most teachers envisaged their yoga teaching would follow. You cant beat being in a class with a group of yogis feeling the enthusiasm, joy and pleasure of practicing yoga and having fun. However online classes do bring their own benefits.

1. Developing self practice

Some people may welcome the opportunity to try and establish a regular yoga practice online. It means that the yoga class is delivered directly to them, in the safety of their own home and at a time that is convenient for them. Being able to join a yoga class with no interruptions or social chit chat yet receive clear concise instructions in how to move the body and achieve the yoga poses may be the preferred format for people with autism. For others who have low concentration or attention deficit disorders having the ability to pause and return to the yoga class where they left off can also be beneficial as they learn to develop concentration skills.

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2. Maintaining daily structure

One notable change due to the corona virus is the drastic changes to every ones day to day life and daily routines. For people who manage anxiety and stress with structured routines this can be a very confusing and disorientating time. By having the facility for yoga classes timetabled on the day that the group would normally do their yoga class helps maintain some structure, continuity and reduce stress and anxiety.

3. Opportunity for socialising

Online yoga classes via a platform that allows group interaction and meetings is a wonderful opportunity for catching up. The delivery of the yoga class may be slightly different via online but the class interaction, catching up with friends, having fun as well as practicing yoga is beneficial for participants as well as the yoga teacher! It is great to catch up with everyone find out what they have been doing over the last week, activities they have participated in and introductions to family pets who often make an impromptu appearance.

4. Family interactions

For many family members they would have heard about yoga from their family member who participates in the class. However they didn't really know what we did in yoga class. The online forum provides an opportunity not only to see their relative participate in yoga and see them enjoy the class but family members/support workers are actively encouraged to participate in the class. This creates a fun environment, positive memories from this period and everyone is able to feel the physical and emotional benefits of yoga.

5. Teacher benefits

Online provides yoga teachers with an outlet to work and earn money teaching yoga during a period of uncertainty throughout the world.

Teaching yoga to this wonderful group of people is very rewarding. Each class is filled with joy, laughter and enthusiasm. As the teacher this is something I have really missed with one of my groups as they have preferred to have their yoga classes recorded rather than a 'live' platform. By having the 'live' class it is uplifting and heart warming to still have interactions with my group. This is a stressful time for everyone and this helps to bring happiness to my week.

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Yes online yoga classes are here to stay for the immediate future. For this group of people who may have health conditions associated to their learning disability, it could be for an even longer period of time. Having access to online yoga classes with their yoga teacher provides familiarity, a daily routine, opportunity to exercise and relax during these stressful times.

If you would like to discuss online yoga classes for your group please contact me echoyoga@hotmail.com


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